44 update custom label in apex
How to use autolabeling for Custom Named Entity Recognition From the left navigation menu, select Data labeling.. Select the Autolabel button under the Activity pane to the right of the page.. Choose Autolabel based on a model you've trained and click on Next. Choose a trained model. It's recommended to check the model performance before using it for autolabeling. UPD_LABEL Procedure The UPD_LABEL procedure sets the label used for items. This user interface default is used when you create a form or report based on the specified table and include a specific column. ... APEX_UI_DEFAULT_UPDATE.UPD_LABEL ( p_table_name IN VARCHAR2, p_column_name IN VARCHAR2, p_label IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); Parameters. Table 49-20 UPD__LABEL ...
From Batch to Streaming ET(L) with Apache Apex at Berlin ... - SlideShare Stream data processing is increasingly required to support business needs for faster acti…
Update custom label in apex